viernes, 4 de agosto de 2017

My journey with B-School

This is not a five-figure business yet, sometimes, it is not even a four-figure one.  But it feels like I’ve lived a decade in only seven months and a lot has changed inside me.

For me, 2017 started with a heavy baggage of negative beliefs, empty fridge and pocket, no savings, no prospects and deep suicidal thoughts.

It was when I was in the midst of that emotional desert that I heard about Marie Forleo and her free 3-video training.  I decided to watch the videos and learn something from them, I was going insane and I thought they would keep my mind busy with something useful.  They did not only help me stay afloat (mentally speaking) but they inspired me and encouraged me to do things I had never done.

My family was helping me with some money which was enough to pay the rent and internet.  Internet was the only resource, apart from my skills.  By the end of the second video, I had already designed my first website and I felt brave enough to make a fan page on Facebook with my gifts related to holistic therapies.  Finding a tribe of big-hearted multi-talented muffins was a blessing.  I got busy reading, studying and doing.

Most 2017 B-Schoolers know my story: when I applied for the scholarship, it was not because I thought I could have a chance, but because I needed to step out of my comfort zone and record a video with my basic mobile.  I was bold and brave.  I uploaded the video on YouTube and when I was about to delete it, I got to know I was one of the lucky scholars.

I have to admit that I came to a standstill with B-School on April 11th, after completing module 3.  It was not because I was tired or because I was not interested any more.  I will resume and catch up with B-School; you know, there is no behind.  I had to stop because there was a lot going on inside and outside.  B-School is not only about learning how to make a 5-figure business but about how to become a better person in the process and how to discover the hidden layers of yourself and giving your gifts a voice.  It’s all about being coherent and consistent.  

When I started B-School, I was sure (at least I believed that) I wanted to focus on Language Services: writing, translating, proofreading, editing and teaching.  My holistic centre was a long term dream, something quietly hiding in the background, being left for the free time as non profitable talents/gifts.  The thing is, B-School actually helped me unfold myself, it helped me realize that if I wanted to help people build bridges with words, I had to build or improve the bridges between my soul, my mind, my heart and my body.  

During the first stage (The Follow Through Formula, some videos from the Copy Cure, Start the Right Business and Modules 1 to 3), I started doing before being ready; I met awesome people on line; I changed the way I connected to people; I changed the way I posted on social media; I made all my gifts and talents visible.  I gave up being obsessed by the result and how much money I would make and I started doing things from the heart and enjoying the process.

Let Go.  Let God.

I ended up taking my decks of cards, just for fun, to a flea market where I was trying to sell my handcrafted books and some crochet facial towels.  Guess what?  I ended up doing lots of holistic tarot  readings  and not selling a single book or CD.  I did sell a crochet towel.  So, what was the universe trying to tell me?  I was clueless.

There were too many muffins, too many names and I could not make them merge and fit so that I could upgrade my website and tell the world who I am.  What did the holistic therapist have to do with the creative writer and the interpreter?  I couldn’t figure it out then, that’s why I came to a standstill.
You know, everything is figureoutable,  as Marie says.

Now, I know: Communication is the essence of everything.  Words and bridges make communication successful, not only when writing, reading or translating but when reading the cards or running a holistic workshop.  

My soul knew it when I made that poor video to apply for the scholarship at B-School: My mission is to help people build bridges.  There are many different types of bridges, the ones you can see and the ones you can feel.  Some people need bridges to improve their relationships, some others need to learn how to use words to improve their business, other people need to find new methods of learning a second language, some other people need to build a bridge between their souls, hearts and minds so that they can discover their gifts.

Bonus:  I am no longer looking for a job or looking at ads.  I no longer call myself ‘unemployed’.  I am an entrepreneur and I run my own business.

What I have gained

  • I have made friends and found soul sisters.
  • I have become bold, brave, fearless, fancy, sassy and incredibly awesome.
  • I have done a lot of free work which has helped me improve my skills and let people (and myself) know that I’m capable of doing.
  • I have received amazing gifts: from a webcam to healing sessions.
  • Confidence.  Insight. Experience. Knowledge.  Encouragement. 

What I have learnt

  • To work on my weak spots: lack of confidence, lack of clarity, lack of consistency.
  • To improve the quality of content.
  • To show people how I can make a difference.
  • To share my gifts without feeling shame.
  • To be vulnerable without regret.
  • To receive without feeling unworthy or guilty.
  • To do even if I am not ready.
  • To keep going.
  • To say No.
  • To say Yes.
  • To ask for help.
  • To let go and let God.
  • To put myself out there.
  • To offer my services.
  • To work on my sweet spot.  I discovered there was no sweet spot between my UAP and my ICA.
  • To be gentle to myself.
  • Not to be ashamed.
  • To put myself in the way of beauty.
  • To make a smart use of SEO and to improve my key words.

What I have done

  • I connected to people with surveys and I was not afraid of asking questions about what my website or my products look like.
  • I designed my website.  I improved it a couple of times.
  • I launched my newsletter and started with my mailing list.
  • I have organized contests, raffles and draws to giveaway and share what I do: handcrafted books and CDs, crochet and holistic tarot readings.
  • I organized a secret pal gift exchange with some B-Schoolers.
  • I interviewed people on line who were not my clients.
  • I am already exchanging services with other local entrepreneurs.
  • I created my channel on YouTube.  I regularly upload my own videos, related to my skills, services or talents.
  • I have designed my first holistic workshop (Words & Bridges) which I will be running in a few weeks.
  • I have my first student on line.  He’s been learning English for 3 months and he plans to continue with the lessons even after travelling on business to USA.
  • I have improved the service for one English student who works in the south of our country and he only comes three times a month.  Now, it’s a combined service, on line tutoring and private lessons when he is around.
  • I have posted ads and I’ve been very active on social media regarding holistic tarot, so I do readings quite often. ( I have printed my own fancy business cards as a holistic therapist.)
  • I’m working as virtual assistant (free) for two of my children.  I manage social media and produce content for their fan pages.  The videos and posts on my son’s fan page have been shared and liked by many people all over the country.
  • I have stepped out and jumped off my comfort zone many times.
  • I have created a lot of free content.
  • I have undergone deep healing processes.
  • I am doing research on new healing techniques.
  • A new deck of cards is now in my purse.  I felt the calling and I got a new one.  So, at first I had Angels Cards and Susannah’s Tarot; now I also have Egyptian Tarot.
  • I’ve invested some money and I sell incense sticks.
  • I designed a brand new logo and shared its meaning and symbolism on social media.  It’s a logo for all my talents, passions and gifts.

What I still have to do

  • To improve sleeping habits.  (I have, to some extent but I lose the pace easily.)
  • To schedule walking or exercise routine according to my health issues.
  • To work on my 2019 journal.
  • To improve my habits and work on my rituals.
  • To work on my strategy canvas.
  • To redesign and rebuild my website.
  • To give my sleeping beauty a kiss: my newsletter has been asleep for too long.
  • To grow my mailing list.
  • To go back to B-School and go through the first stage so that I am fresh and clear to work on Module 4.
  • To relax more.
  • To enjoy more.
  • To feel at ease with this new me.
  • To revisit the sacred temple of friendship with my soul sisters.
  • To ask for some professional photos for my website and fan pages.

Special thanks to:

  • Marie Forleo and her team for believing in me, for seeing something I could not see.
  • Barbarba Sianesi, for her friendship, support, gifts and for introducing me to the journey and holding space for me.
  • Viridiana Perez Frias, for her friendship, support, accountability, gifts and for being actively connected to my fan pages and website.
  • Viviana Cerrutti, for her friendship, support, accountability and advice.  I was able to make many changes thanks to her experience and coaching.
  • All the kind and awesome B-Schoolers who keep in touch and inspire me with their posts and work.

Susannah Lorenzo
August 3, 2017

San Juan

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